Check your bank accounts daily! Report any charges that you do not recognize. I found a charge of $703 made in my account and I did not make the charge. I called my bank immediately and my card was canceled right away, and they told me that the charge was made in a store in Texas - I was in Colorado the entire time. I called the business (they had a website that I found on a search). The purchase was made on the Internet and the part was picked up the next day. I asked what matching information they had - they used my credit card number, my address, my phone number, my name - but not the 3 digit number on the back of the card. The store owner asked me if I was white or black, which I thought odd, but said white. He said the people who picked up the part were black. I called the bank with the information and they began an investigation. The bank provisionally credited me back the $703 within days. Having made the purchase as a Visa credit card, I was covered by the Visa fraud protection. I made a police report as well, and the officer said there is a sophisticated device that is handheld - it scans a credit card and takes all information on it. Then the thief only need to pull up phone and address information - easy to do if you are in the phone book, or have information available on the Internet. The only protection you have is to monitor your accounts diligently and run all your transactions as credit (not debit). Keep track of who gets hold of your card, and if possible do not lose sight of your card when you use it - don't let anyone take it away or under a desk area to process it - have it processed in front of you.
very helpful site!
Vegan Hunter, at 12:16 PM
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