Don't try to get out of paying back when you win....
We've had one instance of a client who, just prior to getting her lawsuit settlement check, fired her attorney and redirected the payment to herself. She then did not pay the funder back, and tried to hide the settlement news. This can only get people into much more trouble - she now has legal action placed upon her, will be in serious trouble, and also her attorney is in danger of being disbarred for not notifying the funder. Do not try to trick the system. It will only hurt you tremendously. When you sign papers for the lawsuit cash advance, you sign a lien which places a priority on whom gets paid back and in which order - the attorney collects the check and pays back himself, then the liens, and then whatver is left goes to the client. In this case, the client fired her attorney before the check was sent out, and covertly had the settlement check signed over to herself. That is wrong. The funder will come after the client in this case, and all of our funders are either attorneys or work with attorneys on the funding. Remember - the funder is risking his or her money for you - believing in the strength of your case. If the case doesn't win, you don't pay the funding back. If your case wins, you are obligated to pay the funder back. The funder took a chance on you - you need to follow the rules and procedures as signed to do.